THE HUB Group of Companies supplies full turnkey cathodic protection systems and equipment. We also offer fully trained construction crews throughout the world. The Hub Group of Company's construction team has the expertise to install galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection systems in piping systems, storage tanks and marine structures to save owners thousands of dollars.
The Hub Group of Companies has a proven line of quality, efficient subcontractors.
What is CP?
Cathodic protection prevents corrosion by the application of a current on the metal structure-Positive charged anode forces steel to be negatively charged (become a cathode)
Typical Areas of Concern
- Coastal structures (balconies & Walkways)
- parking Garages, Highways, Bridges
- Steel Frames Historic Masonry Structures
- Sea walls and other marine Structures
- Industrial Facilities
The Corrosion Process
- Once the chllorides penetrate to the reinforcing steel, the concrete's high pH no longer passivates the steel.
- A typical galvanic corrosion cell forms and corrosion can occur quite quickly
Corrosion Process
- Normal conctere has a very high pH(Alkalinity) and this provides protection against corrosion of the embeddded steel (passivation)
- Chlorides and other salts, over time can penetrate the Corrosive Enviornment De-icing salts, coastal cloride despostion, heat, humidity, CO2, F/T